Poyo kAn..

Poyo kAn..
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Wednesday, December 29, 2010


huh...u know what..aq skit aty gler arr..bile aq da syg dia,,dia buat x endah jer..sje jer xmo bls mcj aq..mvm2 alasan dia bgi...huh...xkan x phm kot..aq nk PERHATIAN!! huh...x penah phm..klau xmo mcj,,skurg2 nyer check la fon 2,,kot2 ade mcj..xpon..bgtaw jela aq klau cbuk..aq msti la phm..heh,..aq xtaw aa slh spe skang...buat rugi jer aq tggu dr bgun tido smpai mlm..xde pon mcj..ingt ke dia nk anto mcj..klau taw org x ingt kat aq,,buang karan jer aq tggu..plok 2,,bkn nyer nk pjuk ke,,tp aq plok yg slh..kata aq x phm dia..heh...sush ar gini...

hermm..klau ade terbce nie sorry ar..juz luahan hti...


  1. 0lolo.,meh nx pj0k.,hexz.,
    xpew2.,msh rama y cyg kam0.,huxz

  2. hhahaa..spe 2 yg cyg kat kite??
    bertuoh dh ase...huhu

  3. haha.,nur aqlh an0k p0k awie.,ish2.,jgn semak arn pale kerna laki y xbergune.,ngee

  4. hahaha..btol2..da berakhir pon,.yg qema wat single 2,,pdhal x pon..heheh..nie bru btol2 single..
